General terms and conditions. The Customer is deemed to be the individual person, the legal entity, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and any representatives thereof, involved in the solution engagement outlined in a BLAST purchase transaction. In executing a BLAST purchase transaction, the Customer agrees to the following terms and conditions.

1. Solution Delivery

BLAST Point Solutions are designed to be delivered in 5 business days or less depending on the solution (*). BLAST Point Solutions rely in part on client data and other information inputs. Upon order completion, BLAST will send an email to the Customer containing an information kit. A BLAST advisor will then contact the Customer to schedule a brief call. The purposes of the call are (1) confirm your business situation and solution needs, (2) explain the scope and approach to the BLAST solution engagement, (3) onsite versus remote delivery options and (4) discuss any information about your company that may be needed to fulfill the solution. Upon receiving all required information from the Customer, BLAST will endeavour to complete the required work within the standard timeframe noted above. Timeframes for solution delivery may differ for each engagement. Your BLAST advisor will provide an estimate of the delivery timeframe before executing the scope of work embodied in the solution definition.

2. Professional Fees, Pricing and Currencies

BLAST prices constitute a professional service fee. Blast Basic solutions are $5,000 per solution, plus applicable sales taxes. Blast Premium solutions are custom priced based on the scope and value of the engagement, plus applicable sales taxes and agreed upon in advance with the Customer. Custom BLAST solutions are priced on a case-by-case basis, agreed upon with the Customer. All monetary amounts are expressed and transacted in US dollars. Customers may opt for direct invoicing and payment. Contact BLAST by email. See the main menu or the bottom of any page to Contact Us.

3. Travel and Other Expenses

Your BLAST advisor will discuss any travel requirements for your solution in advance. Prices do not include the cost of any travel that may be required for BLAST advisors and/or analysts to fulfill the solution onsite. Travel expenses will be charged at cost to the Customer with prior-written approval from the Customer, with substantiating receipts as proof of expenditure. BLAST does not charge customers fees for time travelled.

4. Solution Value and Benefits

All BLAST solutions are designed to deliver immediate benefit to the customer, in the form of management information, analysis, insights and recommendations more generally classified as professional services. The value and benefits of each solution are inherently subjective at the time solution delivery is complete. Solution value and benefits are measured on the value of work delivered by BLAST as embodied in the documents and knowledge transferred to the Customer as part of the engagement. Customers own and control any and all ensuing decisions made and actions taken. As such, any value and benefit derived from the BLAST solution accrues to the Customer. BLAST will not make any financial claim to any such value or benefits derived by the Customer. With the customer's advanced agreement, BLAST may portray the engagement, and its value and benefits in the form of a named-customer case study, for BLAST marketing purposes, the content of which will be reviewed and approved by the Customer before its publication and use.

5. Solution Risks and Liabilities

BLAST solutions are limited in scope to the work performed, and knowledge transferred during the engagement. BLAST offers a money-back guarantee (see Money-back Guarantee) to mitigate Customer risk in purchasing BLAST solutions. Customers own and control any and all ensuing decisions made and actions taken. As such, the customer owns and is liable for any risk or damages related to decisions or actions taken as a result of the BLAST solution engagement. In purchasing this solution, the Customer indemnifies and saves BLAST harmless for any risks or damages that may ensue as a result of the engagement. In any event, BLAST liability for any damages shall not exceed the price paid for the solution engagement, less any refunds given as part of the BLAST Money-back Guarantee.

6. Information Confidentiality and Protection

BLAST recognizes that your company data is confidential and its use is restricted to the engagement only. During an initial call, your BLAST advisor will explain the security of data transfer options and the management procedures BLAST uses to protect the confidentiality of your data. Your BLAST advisor will also explain steps you can take to protect the confidentiality of your data during the engagement. At the request of the Customer, and upon receiving written guidelines from the Customer, BLAST will comply with Customer practices and procedures for the protection of confidential information.

7. Intellectual Property

BLAST solutions are founded on significant R&D. As such, all BLAST solutions are proprietary and owned by BLAST. Customers of BLAST are authorized to use the BLAST solution for their own internal company management purposes. However, all aspects of the BLAST solution framework and work products delivered are confidential and restricted for use between the Customer and BLAST, and cannot be conveyed in any manner to third parties. Any improvements made by BLAST to its Solutions based on the feedback or experience with the Customer are considered BLAST Intellectual Property, owned by Blast Group Inc. By purchasing a BLAST Solution, the Customer accepts these Terms and Conditions. At no time will the Customer make any claim against BLAST for Intellectual Property and enhancements thereto. The Customer indemnifies and saves BLAST harmless against any claims related to or by a third party and its intellectual property which may have been conveyed, transmitted or shared in any form by the Customer to BLAST. Please contact BLAST for authorization to share any information related to a BLAST solution with a third party.

8. Referrals and Rewards.

One of BLAST's goals is to always deliver exceptional value for the price the customer pays. If you like BLAST and the work we do, please recommend us to others. In return for business BLAST realizes from Customer referrals, BLAST will give the Customer $100 discount off a future BLAST engagement. Your BLAST advisor will briefly explain how referrals and rewards work upon request.

* Once all required client data inputs are received and confirmed complete.